Veiny. Grainy. Striated. Shredded. Cut. Ripped to the bone.
Whatever it's called, it's a condition any bodybuilder wants to achieve in his quest for mass. After all, why build reams of new muscle if you're just going to walk around like a bloated puffball, never showing it off?
If you've achieved some appreciable size and you're ready to take the proverbial chisel to your physique, we've got the program for you. The comprehensive strategy laid out over the course of this article gives you a training regimen for the next 12 weeks, rep by rep, as well as a dietary and supplement plan. It takes a number of factors into account, all with the ultimate goal in mind: getting sliced.
* Intensity Burning bodyfat is the overriding goal of this program, but that doesn't necessarily mean cardio overload--in fact, cardio is pretty minimal, as you'll coax your body to burn fat by manipulating your weight-training workouts.
* Variety Your training changes every two weeks; your diet every four. It's our way of ensuring that you keep your metabolism revved up and that you carry through on the full program to reap the benefits.
* Diet and training integration The food and supplements you take are geared specifically to support training. Instead of the shot-in-the-dark approach that many other so-called fat-loss programs take, we've assimilated the latest research and proven tactics to supercharge this program to get results.
THE TRIPLE THREAT COMBO | The Get Ripped Program comprises three main components--exercise, diet and supplementation. Here's a brief overview of each.
* EXERCISE The training system is divided into six two-week cycles based on a progressive high-low rep scheme. You'll adjust the amount of weight you use to correspond with the number of reps performed, but you should push yourself and use as much as you can handle and not an ounce less. The idea is to keep the level of intensity consistent as your body deals with the varying reps.
Also, note that rest periods between sets decrease as you progress through the program. By using this technique to gently coax your heart into staying at an elevated rate, you will boost your fat-burning capabilities and improve your aerobic capacity, as well.
Finally, peppered throughout the workouts are "accelerators." Think of these as add-ons you can use to intensify your program; they include such devices as forced reps and rest-pause techniques. Accelerators can boost the workload on days when you're ready to do serious battle with the iron.
* DIET The 12-week diet plan is cut into three four-week segments, each one consisting of differing ratios of macronutrients. The human body is an amazingly adaptable machine, and as such can work with reasonable efficiency under a variety of circumstances.
In the first phase, your diet comprises a 30/60/10 ratio of protein, carbs and fats. Your body will become accustomed to using carbohydrates as its main source of fuel.
During phase two, protein intake is increased to 40% of calories, carbs are knocked down to 40% and fats are increased to 20%. With your body already percolating on 60% carbs, it will be in high-bum mode. Take away those carbs and it's going to look elsewhere--namely, fat stores--for energy. Going into the second phase, the total caloric intake is cut by approximately 10%; the increased fat consumption at this time won't get in the way of the leaning-out process.
In the final phase, protein and fat are boosted, while carbs and calories take a dive once again. By this time, your body is being subjected to as many as 30 reps per set per workout, three days a week.
* SUPPLEMENTATION The supplements included here correlate with the goals of each phase. In phase one, a steady supply of green tea will keep your metabolism humming and provide you with the antioxidants your body needs to support your immune system as you beat up on it six days a week in the gym. It also includes calcium, which has been shown to have fat-burning effects.
Phase two includes Bacopa monnieri and evodiamine; both help boost metabolic rate. In phase three, when cravings will be your enemy, you'll use hoodia to blunt hunger pangs. Of course, you should keep up with your normal supplement regimen of multivitamins/multiminerals, protein shakes, etc., while you're following this program.
Each four-week segment of Get Ripped includes two two-week cycles of workouts. Your diet remains consistent throughout the entire four weeks. In this initial month, you'll generally stay in the traditional eight- to 12-rep range, setting a baseline. In the next two phases, the built-in swings in reps and weight will result in a shock to your body that should kick-start the positive adaptations you're looking for.
On the nutrition front, you'll slightly cut calories to send your body the message that you want to burn bodyfat. Our baseline recommendation is that a 200-pound trainer, who would take in about 3,000 calories a day to maintain his current weight, should consume 2,800 calories during the first four-week phase, following a 30/60/10 macronutrient ratio of protein, carbs and fat. If you don't weigh 200 pounds, use this formula: current bodyweight multiplied by 15. The answer is an estimate of the number of calories you need daily for maintenance. If you're significantly overweight, then multiply your target weight (rather than current weight) by 15.
Ready to dive headfirst into the second month? You might be feeling a little sore from the steady barrage of workouts, but your energy should still be high. After four weeks, you may have a little more muscle definition than when you began--be patient, the changes should really pick up during the last eight weeks of the program.
Once again, you'll perform two two-week cycles of training routines, while sticking to a new diet for the full four weeks. Reps will start to deviate from the standard eight to 12 range, which means you'll need to adjust your training poundages according to the shift in reps. Although you may use a heavier weight when performing five- or six-rep sets, you'll need to significantly decrease it when shooting for 15-20.
During this phase, crank up protein and fat consumption while simultaneously cutting carbs and total calories. The ratio you should strive to hit during the middle phase of your diet is 40/40/20 of calories from protein, carbs and fats. The additional protein will help protect muscle mass, and the additional fats will help fuel you through your day while you're decreasing carbs and total calories. Your daily caloric intake for this four-week phase is approximately 2,500 calories.
The meal planner provided is only an example of how you should construct your diet each day. For the sake of variety and a well-rounded nutrition profile, feel free to make substitutions of comparable foods.
By this point, you should be seeing noticeable changes both in your body and your stamina as a result of this staggered system of training. During this third and final trimester, the number of reps performed in the first half of each week is dramatically different from the second half. There are also differences in the number of sets performed--during the first half of weeks nine and 10, you'll hit major bodyparts with one set more than in phase two; during weeks 11 and 12, two sets.
On the nutrition front during this phase, further cut calories and carbs. A 200-pound bodybuilder would consume only 2,300 calories daily, with approximately 30% of those calories from carbs (that equates to about 150 g of carbs) each day. A little more than 40% of your total calories should come from protein--that's a bit above 220 g a day. Fats continue to increase, as they will better sustain you through the day than other macronutrients. The ultimate effect will be to protect your muscle mass and burn bodyfat, but leave you with as much energy as possible on a low-calorie diet.Again, the meal planner we provide here is only an example of how you should construct your diet each day. For the sake of variety, feel free to make substitutions with comparable foods.
FROM PRETENDER TO CONTENDER | If you stick with the game plan for its entire run, you should be sporting a six-pack and horseshoes in time for summer. At the end of 12 weeks, either resume your previous training system or, if you want to stay lean or get even tighter, cycle back through the Get Ripped Program.
Either way, you'll have proved to yourself that you are much more than a wannabe bodybuilder--a guy who always claims to be in offseason mode to cover up the fact that he's not dedicated or disciplined enough to drop the fat--and you'll have proved yourself as a full-fledged card-carrying member of the FLEX nation.
TRAINING: Weeks 1-2 BODYPART EXERCISE SETS REPS MONDAY Chest Incline-bench barbell presses 4 10 * Flat-bench dumbbell presses 4 10 Weighted dips 4 10 Delts Seated dumbbell presses 3 10 * Smith machine upright rows 3 10 Seated machine presses 3 10 Triceps Close-grip bench presses 3 10 * Seated triceps extensions 3 10 TUESDAY Thighs Barbell squats 4 10 Leg presses 4 10 * Romanian deadlifts 4 10 Calves Donkey calf raises 3 10 Seated calf raises 3 10 * Abs Vertical-bench knee raises 2 20 Roman-chair crunches 2 20 WEDNESDAY Back Chinups 4 10 Barbell rows 3 10 V-handle pulldowns 3 10 * Barbell shrugs 3 10 Biceps Alternating dumbbell curls 3 10 Barbell preacher curls 3 10 * Abs Reverse crunches 2 20 Machine crunches 2 20 THURSDAY Chest Incline dumbbell flyes 4 10 Pec-deck flyes 4 10 * Cable crossovers 4 10 Delts Lateral raises 3 10 * Dumbbell upright rows 3 10 Bent lateral raises 3 10 Triceps Straight-bar pushdowns 3 10 * Dumbbell kickbacks 3 10 FRIDAY Thighs Leg extensions 4 10 * Lunges 4 10 Leg curls 4 10 * Calves Standing calf raises 3 10 * Seated calf raises 3 10 SATURDAY Back Pulldowns 4 10 Seated cable rows 3 10 * Straight-arm pulldowns 3 10 Weighted back extensions 3 10 Dumbbell shrugs 3 10 Biceps Machine preacher curls 3 10 * Concentration curls 3 10 Abs Hanging leg raises 2 25 Crunches 2 25 NOTE: Rest two to three minutes between sets. * Accelerator Perform three or four forced reps during the last two sets. Research shows that forced reps increase growth hormone (GH) better than straight sets. GH not only increases muscle growth, but also liberates stored bodyfat for use as fuel. TRAINING: Weeks 3-4 BODYPART * EXERCISE SETS REPS MONDAY Chest Barbell bench presses 4 8 Incline dumbbell presses 4 8 Machine chest presses 4 8 Delts Barbell overhead presses 3 8 Dumbbell overhead presses 3 8 Dumbbell upright rows 3 8 Triceps Bench dips 3 8 Close-grip bench presses 3 8 TUESDAY Thighs Smith machine squats 4 8 Hack squats 4 8 Dumbbell Romanian deadlifts 4 8 Calves Leg-press machine calf raises 3 8 Seated calf raises 3 8 Abs Vertical-bench leg raises 2 25 Crunches 2 25 WEDNESDAY Back Chinups 4 8 Dumbbell rows 3 8 Underhand-grip pulldowns 3 8 Barbell shrugs 3 8 Biceps Standing barbell curls 3 8 Dumbbell preacher curls 3 8 Abs Cable crunches 2 25 Oblique crunches 2 25 per side THURSDAY Chest Incline cable flyes 4 12 Flat cable flyes 4 12 Low-pulley cable crossovers 4 12 Delts Cable lateral raises 3 12 Front raises 3 12 Cable reverse flyes 3 12 Triceps Rope pushdowns 3 12 Cable kickbacks 3 12 FRIDAY Thighs Lying leg curls 4 12 Leg extensions 4 12 Reverse lunges 4 12 Calves Standing calf raises 3 12 Seated calf raises 3 12 SATURDAY Back Pulldowns 4 12 Seated cable rows 3 12 Close-grip pulldowns 3 12 Back extensions 3 12 Behind-the-back shrugs 3 12 Biceps One-arm cable curls 3 12 High cable curls 3 12 Rope crunches 2 25 Reverse crunches 2 25 NOTE: Rest two minutes between sets on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday; rest one to two minutes between sets on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. * Accelerator Finish training each bodypart, excluding abs, with two sets of the first exercise for that bodypart (e.g., when you complete all the exercises for chest on Monday, do two more sets of barbell bench presses). Due to fatigue, you may have to drastically reduce the weight to get the same number of reps. PHASE ONE DAILY MEAL PLAN CALORIES PROTEIN CARBS FAT BREAKFAST 1 whole egg 85 7 0 6 3 egg whites 50 12 0 0 2 cups cooked oatmeal 260 10 44 4 MIDMORNING SNACK 1/2 can tuna 110 20 0 2 1 cup cooked brown rice 216 5 45 2 LUNCH 1/2 can tuna 110 20 0 2 2 slices whole-wheat bread 140 5 26 2 MIDDAY SNACK 16 oz nonfat fruit yogurt 426 20 86 0 PREWORKOUT MEAL 1/2 meal-replacement shake 195 20 20 4 1 banana 120 2 31 1 POSTWORKOUT MEAL 1 scoop whey protein 85 20 1 0 2 slices white bread 132 4 25 2 DINNER 6 oz chicken breast 200 40 0 2 2 cups spaghetti 442 16 86 2 20 asparagus spears 66 7 12 0 BEDTIME 1/2 cup low-fat cottage cheese 81 14 3 1 1 cup cooked oatmeal 130 5 22 2 TOTALS 2,848 227 401 32 NOTE: Values for protein, carbs and fat are in grams. PHASE ONE SUPPLEMENTS SUPPLEMENT DOSE Green tea extract 250-500 milligrams (mg) once or twice daily Calcium 1,000 mg TRAINING: Weeks 5-6 BODYPART EXERCISE SETS REPS MONDAY Chest Incline dumbbell presses 4 * 6 Smith machine bench presses 4 * 6 Decline dumbbell presses 4 * 6 Delts Barbell upright rows 3 * 6 Smith machine overhead presses 3 * 6 Arnold presses 3 * 6 Triceps Decline close-grip bench presses 3 * 6 Parallel-bar dips 3 * 6 TUESDAY Thighs Leg presses 4 * 6 Single-leg squats 4 * 6 Cable Romanian deadlifts 4 * 6 Calves Standing calf raises 3 * 6 Seated calf raises 3 * 6 Abs Vertical-bench knee raises 2 30 Roman-chair crunches 2 30 WEDNESDAY Back Pulldowns 4 * 6 Barbell rows 3 * 6 Reverse-grip barbell rows 3 * 6 Dumbbell shrugs 3 * 6 Biceps Cambered-bar curls 3 * 6 Seated dumbbell curls 3 * 6 Abs Reverse crunches 2 30 Machine crunches 2 30 THURSDAY [dagger] Chest Decline flyes 4 15 Incline cable flyes 4 15 Cable crossovers 4 15 Delts One-arm dumbbell lateral raises 3 15 * Incline-bench front raises 3 15 Cable one-arm bent lateral raises 3 15 Triceps Overhead cable extensions 3 15 Cable kickbacks 3 15 FRIDAY [dagger] Thighs Single-leg extensions 4 15 Reverse dumbbell lunges 4 15 Seated leg curls 4 15 Calves Seated calf raises 3 15 Smith machine calf raises 3 15 SATURDAY [dagger] Back Straight-arm rope pulldowns 3 15 Machine rows 3 15 Parallel-bar pulldowns 3 15 Weighted back extensions 3 15 Biceps One-arm Smith machine shrugs 3 15 Cable curls 3 15 Incline cable curls 3 15 Abs Hanging leg raises 2 30 Crunches 2 30 NOTE: Rest 60-90 seconds between sets on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday; rest 60 seconds between sets on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. * Accelerator After the stated number of sets, perform one additional set of 30 reps. Research shows this simple addition to a heavy workout can increase strength and mass better than doing all low-rep sets. [dagger] Accelerator Do all exercises for each bodypart as a superset, triset or giant set (performing one set of each, then moving immediately to the next set without taking a scheduled rest). Rest only after you have gone through one set of all exercises. Complete as many cycles (sets) as prescribed. TRAINING: Weeks 7-8 BODYPART EXERCISE SETS REPS MONDAY Chest * Smith machine incline presses 4 5 Smith machine bench presses 4 5 Dumbbell incline presses 4 5 Delts * Smith machine overhead presses 3 5 Standing dumbbell presses 3 5 Triceps * Close-grip bench presses 3 5 Machine dips 3 5 TUESDAY Thighs * Leg presses 4 5 Smith machine squats 4 5 Romanian deadlifts 4 5 Calves * Leg-press calf raises 3 5 Seated calf raises 3 5 Abs Hanging knee raises 2 35 Crunches 2 35 WEDNESDAY Back * T-bar rows 4 5 Underhand-grip chinups 3 5 Smith machine bent rows 3 5 Behind-the-back shrugs 3 5 Biceps Standing barbell curls 3 5 Dumbbell preacher curls 3 5 Abs Cable crunches 2 35 Oblique crunches 2 35 per side THURSDAY Chest * Pec-deck flyes [dagger] 4 20 Decline dumbbell flyes [dagger] 4 20 Incline cable flyes [dagger] 4 20 Delts * Cable upright rows [dagger] 3 20 Seated lateral raises [dagger] 3 20 Seated bent lateral raises [dagger] 3 20 Triceps * One-arm overhead extensions [dagger] 3 20 Lying dumbbell extensions [dagger] 3 20 FRIDAY Thighs * One-leg leg curls [dagger] 4 20 Unilateral leg extensions [dagger] 4 20 Dumbbell step-ups [dagger] 4 20 Calves * Standing calf raises [dagger] 3 20 Seated calf raises [dagger] 3 20 SATURDAY Back * One-arm pulldowns [dagger] 4 20 One-arm seated cable rows [dagger] 3 20 Machine rows [dagger] 3 20 Back extensions [dagger] 3 20 Barbell shrugs [dagger] 3 20 Biceps Cable concentration curls [dagger] 3 12 Lying cable curls [dagger] 3 20 Abs Rope crunches 2 35 Reverse crunches 2 35 NOTE: Rest 60 seconds between sets on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday; rest 30-60 seconds between sets on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. * Accelerator Add two sets of one isolation exercise (10 reps) to the start of this bodypart training. For chest, perform dumbbell incline flyes; for shoulders, do dumbbell lateral raises; for triceps, do pressdowns; for legs, superset leg extensions with leg curls; for back, perform straight-arm pulldowns. [dagger] Accelerator Hold the contracted position for a count of three and lower during the negative for a count of four for each repetition. PHASE TWO DAILY MEAL PLAN CALORIES PROTEIN CARBS FAT BREAKFAST 3 whole eggs 255 21 1 18 2 cups cooked oatmeal 260 10 44 4 MIDMORNING SNACK 1 scoop whey protein 85 20 1 0 1 small sweet potato 120 2 26 0 LUNCH 4 oz turkey deli meat 104 22 2 0 2 slices whole-wheat bread 140 6 26 2 MIDDAY SNACK 1 cup low-fat cottage cheese 163 28 6 2 PREWORKOUT MEAL 1/2 meal-replacement shake 195 20 20 4 1 banana 120 2 31 1 POSTWORKOUT MEAL 2 scoops whey protein 170 40 2 0 2 slices white bread 132 4 25 2 DINNER 6 oz top sirloin 342 36 0 24 2 small sweet potatoes 240 4 52 0 2 cups broccoli 60 6 12 0 BEDTIME 1 scoop casein protein powder 120 23 4 1 TOTALS 2,506 244 252 58 NOTE: Values for protein, carbs and fat are in grams. PHASE TWO SUPPLEMENTS SUPPLEMENT DOSE Green tea extract 250-500 mg once or twice daily Calcium 1,000 mg Bacopa monnieri 100 mg Evodiamine 30-50 mg twice daily TRAINING: Weeks 9-10 BODYPART EXERCISE SETS REPS MONDAY Chest Incline barbell bench presses * 4 4 Flat-bench barbell presses * 4 4 Decline bench presses * 5 4 Delts Seated barbell presses * 3 4 Seated dumbbell presses * 3 4 Wide-grip upright rows * 4 4 Triceps Close-grip bench presses * 3 4 Reverse-grip bench presses * 4 4 TUESDAY Thighs Barbell squats * 5 4 Leg presses * 4 4 Deadlifts * 4 4 Calves Donkey raises 4 4 Seated calf raises * 3 4 Abs [dagger] Reverse crunches 2 40 Roman-chair crunches 2 40 WEDNESDAY Back Barbell rows * 4 4 T-bar rows * 4 4 Lat pulldowns * 3 4 Barbell shrugs * 3 4 Biceps Standing barbell curls * 3 4 Seated barbell curls * 4 4 Abs [dagger] Reverse crunches 2 40 Machine crunches 2 40 THURSDAY Chest [double dagger] Incline dumbbell flyes 4 25 Flat-bench dumbbell flyes 4 25 Decline dumbbell flyes 4 25 Delts [double dagger] Bent lateral raises 3 25 Lateral raises 3 25 Front raises 3 25 Triceps [double dagger] Reverse-grip pushdowns * 2 25 Cable pushdowns 2 25 Cable overhead extensions 2 25 FRIDAY Thighs [double dagger] Dumbbell lunges * 4 25 Leg extensions 4 25 Lying leg curls * 4 25 Calves [double dagger] Standing calf raises 2 25 Seated calf raises 2 25 Leg-press calf raises 2 25 SATURDAY Back Lat pulldowns 4 25 Seated cable rows 4 25 Straight-arm pulldowns 4 25 Weighted back extensions 3 25 Dumbbell shrugs 3 25 Biceps [double dagger] Seated incline curls 2 25 Seated dumbbell curls 2 25 Standing dumbbell curls 2 25 Abs [dagger] Hanging leg raises 2 40 Crunches 2 40 Cable crunches 2 40 NOTE: Rest one minute between sets on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday; rest 30 seconds between sets on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. * Accelerator Use the Weider Rest-Pause Training Principle with these exercises. Choosing a weight with which you can perform no more than two or three normal reps, complete four reps total per set, resting five to 10 seconds between reps if needed to finish. [dagger] Accelerator During all abdominal exercises, use the Weider Rest-Pause Training Principle until you finish the prescribed number of reps. [double dagger] Accelerator Perform the three exercises for this bodypart as a triset. TRAINING: Weeks 11-12 BODYPART EXERCISE SETS REPS MONDAY Chest * Barbell bench presses 5 3 Incline Smith machine presses 5 3 Decline dumbbell presses 4 3 Delts * Barbell overhead presses 4 3 Smith machine overhead presses 4 3 Smith machine upright rows 3 3 Triceps * Close-grip bench presses 4 3 Bench dips 4 3 TUESDAY Thighs * Barbell squats 5 3 Smith machine front squats 5 3 Dumbbell Romanian deadlifts 4 3 Calves Leg-press calf raises 4 3 Seated calf raises 4 3 Abs Hanging knee-ups 2 45 Machine crunches 2 45 WEDNESDAY Back * Barbell rows 4 3 Dumbbell rows 4 3 Underhand-grip lat pulldowns 4 3 Barbell shrugs 3 3 Biceps * Standing barbell curls 4 3 Cambered-bar preacher curls 4 3 Abs Crunches 2 45 Oblique crunches 2 45 per side THURSDAY Chest [dagger] Cable crossovers 4 30 Incline cable flyes 4 30 Pec-deck flyes 4 30 Delts [dagger] Cable lateral raises 3 30 Reverse pec-deck flyes 3 30 Cable upright rows 3 30 Triceps [dagger] Cable overhead extensions 3 30 Rope pushdowns 3 30 FRIDAY Thighs [dagger] Smith machine lunges 4 30 Lying leg curls 4 30 Leg extensions 4 30 Calves [dagger] Seated calf raises 3 30 Leg-press calf raises 3 30 SATURDAY Back [dagger] Lat pulldowns 4 30 Machine rows 3 30 Reverse-grip lat pulldowns 3 30 Back extensions 3 30 Smith machine behind-the-back 3 30 shrugs Biceps [dagger] Seated dumbbell curls 3 30 Cable curls 3 30 Abs Rope crunches 2 45 Hanging leg raises 2 45 NOTE: Rest 30-60 seconds between sets on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday; rest 30 seconds between sets on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. * Accelerator Add two sets of an explosive movement at the beginning of the bodypart training. Do three reps per set using 50% of the max weight you can handle for that exercise. For chest, perform power pushups (using your bodyweight); shoulders, push presses; triceps, close-grip push presses (on a Smith machine); legs, squat jump; back, power rows; biceps, throw curls (on a Smith machine). [dagger] Accelerator Don't rest between sets. After 30 reps, strip enough weight to complete another 30 reps, continuing until you've completed the prescribed number of sets and reps. PHASE THREE DAILY MEAL PLAN CALORIES PROTEIN CARBS FAT BREAKFAST 3 whole eggs 255 21 1 18 1 cup cooked oatmeal 130 5 22 2 MIDMORNING SNACK 1 scoop whey protein 85 20 1 0 1 large apple 110 0 30 0 LUNCH 1/2 can tuna 110 20 0 2 1/2 cup low-fat cottage cheese 81 14 3 1 MIDDAY SNACK 1/2 can tuna 110 20 0 2 6 whole-wheat crackers 108 2 18 4 PREWORKOUT MEAL 1/2 meal-replacement shake 195 20 20 4 POSTWORKOUT MEAL 2 scoops whey protein 170 40 2 0 2 bananas 240 4 62 2 DINNER 6 oz salmon 245 34 0 10 2 cups broccoli 60 6 12 0 BEDTIME 1 scoop casein protein 120 23 4 1 2 tbsp flaxseed oil 240 0 0 26 TOTALS 2,259 229 175 72 NOTE: Values for protein, carbs and fat are in grams. PHASE THREE SUPPLEMENTS SUPPLEMENTS DOSE Green tea extract 250-500 mg three or four times daily Calcium 1,000 mg Bacopa monnieri 200 mg Evodiamine 30-50 mg three times daily Hoodia 300-400 mg once or twice daily on an empty stomach Sesamin 500-1,000 mg two or three times daily with food

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